

Non-Sequiturs: 07.15.18

* What's it like to take the California bar exam as a 46-year-old law professor? Orin Kerr enlightens us. [Reason / Volokh Conspiracy] * Charles Glasser points out the dangers involved in holding a speaker responsible for actions taken by listeners. [Daily Caller] * In the Term that just ended, the Supreme Court tackled technology issues in a big way -- and the implications are far-reaching, as J.P. Schnapper-Casteras explains. [Take Care] * Elizabeth Slattery and I joined Laurence Colletti, guest host of the Lawyer 2 Lawyer podcast, to discuss Justice Anthony M. Kennedy's SCOTUS retirement and the nomination of his successor, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. [Legal Talk Network] * There has been a lot of speculation about how a Justice Brett Kavanaugh might move the Court to the right; Adam Feldman digs into the cases to make some educated guesses. [Empirical SCOTUS] * What lessons could losing the Court teach the Democrats? Here are some thoughts from Seth Lipsky and David Leonhardt. [New York Post via Instapundit] * And what lessons can lawyers learn from Judge Kavanaugh's excellent writing? Ross Guberman identifies five of them. [Legal Writing Pro] * Joel Cohen and Dale Degenshein explore what happens when a citizen "flips the bird" at the police (hint: it's not a good idea). [Law and Crime] * Congratulations to Thomson Reuters on the launch of Westlaw Edge, the latest version of its industry-leading legal research platform -- which boasts a slew of new, artificial-intelligence-driven features, helpfully explained by Jean O'Grady. [Dewey B Strategic] * And speaking of AI, congratulations to Fenwick & West on cutting the time for contract review in half, with the help of technology from Kira Systems. [Artificial Lawyer]